Train for Change

Medications in Treatment

Medications are an effective way to manage the negative effects of withdrawal, reduce cravings and urges to drink or use drugs, and/or impede the reinforcing effects of alcohol or other drugs. Medications are seldom prescribed alone in addiction treatment, but are used in combination with behavioral treatment. Certain issues need to be considered in offering effective medications along with behavioral intervention.

One-day Medications in Treatment Workshop

One of the challenges of Medications in Treatment (MAT) is that clients and counselors often focus on the medication and lose the balance of full recovery. This M.D. level facilitated workshop will focus on how to use the evidence-based practices of motivational interviewing cognitive behavioral therapy, and the trans-theoretical model of behavior change to broaden substance use disorder treatment beyond the “bio” (as in biopsychosocial) administration of the medication. It will help providers collaborate with clients to individualize substance use treatment and develop person-centered services that hold clients accountable and attract them to recovery.

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